ya ya ya
bakpe nye kecek kelate tetibe sek mu?
because 50% of my housemates are Kelantanese and 20% of the others are terengganunian (bahasa apakah?)
jumlah housemates 10 org, so 50% darab 10 = ___
n 20 % darab 10 = ___
ha ! ha! jgn pakai kalkulator!!!!!! bak kate prof ezz , "use ur mind not ur slipper." =_=
ya ya ya
aku nak exam. final exam
amek 8 subjek kut. i forgot suddenly. meh kite kire sesame. anat, physio, biochem, arab, bi, ict, titas, hafazan... oh 10 subjek rupenye...
but the papers that involve in final exam are 5 only anatomy physiology biochem hafazan and titas.tahukah apa itu titas? ohh iya nya subjek yg tdak di kehendaki melainkan para peminat sejarah. TAMADUN ISLAM & TAMADUN ASIA ohhh!!!
lecturernya Dr Maliki, dari indon kok. suaranya perlahaaan bangat....... kalau tak tidur , makan puas2 jajan2 yg terjual kat blakang kelas oleh senior2 yg dok kumpui duit tuk g lawatan smbil belajaq merentasi laut . (oversea)
i dont have enough time to update , so this MAYBE my last time to blog, update, blogjogging smbil bakar lemaks ahah n commenting
please pray for me n my friends ya.... pleaaaaseeee
thanks <3 uuuuuuu terharuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
(sebbek takdak exam bi n arab n ict. =_= kalo arab ktorg da wat 2 vdeo aritu. mmg mncabar otak. tp denga nye exam hafazan susah kot. dy tye cm sebab nuzul kut, ayat yg ktrg kne hafal, dr surah al buruj --- surah al asr, TAPI dlm bhse ARAB and SUBJEKTIF . aku ni arab tak pandai T_T ohhhhh
doakn yg terbaik.
saya upload gambar byk2...... (kena kah type? )

ni kat umah Dr Aznan.. kenal tak? org yg duk area sini myb kenal - with housemates

that baby . knduri akikah tuk dia. memang grand. aku tk tau kalo dy kawen cane
ni pun ngn housemates

ya two of them are kelantanese

doctors to be. amiinn
ni mase g melake. made tourism video for arabic . speaking arab uols spnjg vdeo tu =_=

semogo berjayo dale ekzen
ReplyDeletethnk u haha
Deleteye kak..semoga berjaya yer..xD
ReplyDeletepandai gak akak kecek kelate eak?hew2..^^
thnk u... hehe
DeleteGood luck dear dalam exam nant
Deleteexang? bhahahha buruk giler bila dsebut =.='
ReplyDeleteapapun all the best utk exang tu...tak tahu jawab, sila hentam. at least dpt markah kesian utk jln kerja :P
haha,, tp kalo mcq tk leh hentangg.. nnt salah tolak markah.. haha
Deleteohh...so kene tinggal kosong jerla klu xtau jawab?? hidup ini stu perjudian...berani atau tak jer taruhannya..
Deleteaah.. haha.. n mse aku mid sem aritu, paper yg byk tk jwb lg byk mrkah dr jawab . soklan dy true n false je mcq ni. bunyik cm sng. bunyik je laa
Deletegudluck yo! :)
ReplyDeletehafazan, subjek killer ooo...
mghafal tu best, tp exam plak yg susah.. tq
Deleteall the best ^_^
ReplyDeletetq pizzz
DeleteXper blog bukanlah hakmilik kekalls yee.., muger2 berjaya mjadi doktor yg sehat.. iHHIkks
ReplyDeletetime kasih waakkk
Deletemogo demo buleh la bawok A balik dari exam..hehe
ReplyDeletehaha kawe teraa
Deletethanks ayie :)
ReplyDeleteGud luck ngan exam! :D
DeleteArab?!! Err, best of luck!! May Allah ease! :)
ReplyDeleteye T_T blaja bm...tq...
DeleteBest of luck dear
Deletegud luck for ur exam.. ;)
Deletetu dah boleh cakap kelantan..
ReplyDeletegelak baca..hahaha
well,gud luck for ur final exam :)
tengs sir :)
Deleteerr .. haha ;)
ReplyDeletenape? haha
Deletegud luck dear..
ReplyDeletebuat sdya upaya ok.. ^_^
Deletegud luck awk...btw, sy follow...and also this is the price for redlife product that u ask....http://eimah2328.blogspot.com/2012/12/harga-product-redlife.html
ReplyDeleteokk tengsss
Deleteall the best for ur exang ye hehehe
ReplyDeleteGoodluck :D
ReplyDeletetq <3
Deleteall the best ! :)